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STARDOM is again Recap & Review

STARDOM is again
Event Date: June 21, 2020 (12:30 JST)
matches published on Stardom World

City: Koto, Tokyo, Japan
Venue: Shinkiba 1st Ring
Attendance: 100

Commentary: none
Ring Announcer: Yoritaka Ando


Ring Area
The roster surrounds the ring as the show begins, and everyone in attendance is standing. There is a ten-bell salute for Hana Kimura.

After the salute, the wrestlers head backstage while the crowd sits. Jungle Kyona then comes out to make an announcement. She says she wanted to participate in today’s show, but she is not quite ready to compete yet. She will return though, and her heart will be even stronger than before.


Match 1
Hina vs Rina vs Natsu Sumire
(referee: Barb Sasaki)

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Result: Rina submits Hina with the Hydrangea
Time: 8:55

Match Thoughts
Good match. Sumire has been in multi-person matches against Hina and Rina before, and they’re always entertaining. This match was no exception to that rule. Sisters Hina and Rina teamed up against the more experienced Sumire to start the match, and they dominated Sumire for a while. Rina was the first to break the truce when she attacked Hina a few minutes into the match. That led to Rina and Hina fighting each other while Sumire took a break. When Sumire got back in, she fought and cheated her way through both o her young opponents. Sumire got caught though, and the final few minutes had all three women in and out of the ring.

I liked this match, and I particularly enjoyed the finish. Rina has modeled her ring attire and persona after Hana Kimura pretty much ever since she’s been in Tokyo Cyber Squad, and she’s also adopted some of Hana’s moves. Specifically, Rina has used Hana Kimura’s submission finisher, the Hydrangea. Rina used the Hydrangea again tonight, and she finished off her sister Hina in an emotional moment that paid tribute to the late Hana Kimura.


Match 2
Saki Kashima vs DEATH Yama-san
(referee: Barb Sasaki)

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Result: DEATH Yama-san wins via pinfall with a crucifix pin
Time: 5:11

Match Thoughts
This was fun. Yama-san did her “death” shtick the entire time, and Saki Kashima wanted no part of it. Kashima bullied Yama-san around the ring for most of the match, but it felt like Kashima was taking Yama-san too lightly. Yama-san is goofy, sure, but she’s also a great wrestler. Yama-san surprised Kashima with some offense later in the match, and that led to a fun finish.


Match 3
Natsuko Tora vs Konami
(referee: Barb Sasaki)

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Result: Konami wins via DQ when Natsuko Tora chokes her with a chain
Time: 9:27

Match Thoughts
Good match. Tora and Konami started out by grappling and then trading strikes, and I could tell this was going to be a good match-up. Konami had a very strong performance tonight, and that forced Tora to cheat more and more as the match went on. Tora’s cheating got more blatant and vicious as the match went on, and it also played a pivotal role in how the match ended. It doesn’t look like we’ve seen the last of this match-up between Tora and Konami, and if this match is any indication, I’m all for a long feud between them.


Ring Area
After the match, Konami and Natsuko Tora continue to fight. Konami finally hits Tora with a strike strong enough to send her to the mat, and Konami walks away. Tora gets up, grabs her chain, and she leaves as well. It’s been a rough night for Oedo Tai. I’m interested to see how they respond in the next show.


Match 4
Saya Kamitani & Utami Hayashishita vs AZM & Momo Watanabe
(referee: Daichi Murayama)

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Result: Time Limit Draw
Time: 20:00

Match Thoughts
Very good match. This felt a lot like it was a test for Saya Kamitani as the newest member of Queen’s Quest, and it felt like a test for the team of Kamitani and Hayashishita who will be challenging for the Goddess tag titles sometime in the future. Overall, Watanabe and AZM were definitely the better team, but I think this match exposed some of the weaknesses Kamitani and Hayashishita have as a team so they can work on getting better. The match ended up having Watanabe and Hayashishita fighting each other for an extended amount of time to end the match, and that was probably the best part. They were both hitting very hard, and their partners would come in for the save whenever either of them got into trouble. Watanabe had the most dominant performance tonight though. She looked very strong throughout the entire match.


Ring Area
After the match, Hayashishita asks Kamitani how she enjoyed teaming up for the first time. This was a tough match, but Hayashishita wants to bring the Goddess titles to Queen’s Quest with Kamitani. Watanabe compliments Hayashishita and Kamitani on their performance tonight, ans she tells them to go win the titles. Kamitani is confident in their chances.


Match 5
Saya Iida & Starlight Kid & Tam Nakano & Mayu Iwatani (World Champ) vs Maika & Syuri & Giulia (Artist Champs) & Himeka
(referee: Daichi Murayama)

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Result: Himeka submits Saya Iida with a torture rack
Time: 23:28

Match Thoughts
Very good match. This felt a lot like a way to display the newest member of Donna del Mondo, Himeka. It was that, but it was also just a good match all around. Himeka certainly looked powerful, and I particularly liked her running, falling powerbomb. Moreso than just Himeka though, Donna del Mondo looked really good as a four-person unit. All four members bring something a little different, and it feels like they have a good all-around style when they’re together. I liked DDM as a trio, so I was nervous when I heard they were adding another member, but I think Himeka fits in well.

Besides that, I think this match really put over the growing feud between Giulia and Tam Nakano. They’ve exchanged words over social media during Stardom’s hiatus, so I think a lot of people were looking forward to seeing what would happen when they finally came together in the ring. They had probably the most heated segment of the match. They exchanged a whole lot of strikes, and their altercation will definitely lead to something more down the road.

The other things that really stood out to me were Saya Iida’s strong performance, and the fact that Starlight Kid got beat up a whole lot. Starlight Kid got isolated at least twice during the match and she got absolutely punished by Maika and Syuri who were both quietly strong tonight.


Ring Area
After the match, Giulia and Tam Nakano have to be puled apart as they continue to fight on the ramp. Donna del Mondo stay in the ring as Stars slowly walk away. Giulia is excited to be back in the ring in front of everyone. She thanks everyone for being here today. She also officially introduces us to the Jumbo Princess, Himeka. She finishes by saying the past few months away have been hard, but Stardom can’t be stopped. They will move forward, and they look forward to the continued support of the fans. Then it’s time for Donna del Mondo to pose as the show ends.


Show Impressions
This was a fun show. The roster did feel somewhat limited at times, especially early in the night, but I actually really liked it that way. We got more one on one (and one on one on one) matches than we usually see on a show like this, and that’s pretty much always a good thing the way I see it. It felt like the roster was pared down to the core wrestlers, and they were all highlighted in one way or another.

I also really enjoyed all the building this show did. Oedo Tai had a terrible night against Tokyo Cyber Squad, so that could lead to some unit warfare. And if you add into that the anger building between Natsuko Tora and Konami, then that could be a big feud that goes on for a while. Queen’s Quest also built themselves up by fighting each other, and that added intrigue to Kamitani and Hayashishita’s eventual Goddess tag title match. And then the main event introduced us to Himeka and highlighted a feud between Giulia and Tam Nakano. I like all of these things and am very much looking forward to the next show.

Match of the Night
Stars vs Donna del Mondo
I wasn’t surprised at all by the finish, but I enjoyed watching it happen. Donna del Mondo is a great unit, and they showed that tonight.


Official Results (Japanese): https://wwr-stardom.com/news/2020-6-21/



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