WOH Wednesday Recap & Review – Jan. 3, 2018

Gabby Ortiz faces Jessie Brooks for the opportunity to compete in the Women of Honor Title Tournament!
Gabby Ortiz faces Jessie Brooks for the opportunity to compete in the Women of Honor Title Tournament!
There were ups and downs, but overall Battleground 2017 was a good show with at least one great match!
Tye Dillinger attempts to silence Aiden English in a surprsingly good warmup match on a decent pre-show for this year’s Battleground PPV.
The final stop before Best in the World also happens to be the 300th episode of ROH TV! This show had two good matches and built nicely towards the PPV, but otherwise it wasn’t a particularly special episode.
KUSHIDA battles Marty Scurll for the TV Title, Chuck Taylor makes his ROH debut, and Search and Destroy has had about enough of The Rebellion on a great episode of ROH TV!
June 7, 2017 published on YouTube (taped May 14, 2017) City: Philadelphia, PA Venue: 2300 Arena Tour: War of the Worlds Commentary: Ian Riccaboni, Mandy Leon Ring Announcer: Bobby Cruise Match 1 Kelly Klein vs Jenny Rose (referee: Paul Turner) Match Thoughts A pretty good match. Klein was dominant, but Rose had a burst …
Hangman Page attempts to kick Adam Cole out of Ring of Honor in a very good main event on a very good show.
Tasha Steelz and Jessie Brooks take on Sumie Sakai and the debuting Gabby Ortiz in a nice tag team match.
Cody faces Kazarian in a good main event of a decent episode of ROH TV.