WOH Wednesday Recap & Review – Jan. 31, 2018

Kelly Klein watches as the Women of Honor compete in a tag match.
Kelly Klein watches as the Women of Honor compete in a tag match.
Madison Rayne takes on Deonna Purrazzo in a good edition of Women of Honor Wednesday.
Brandi Rhodes and Stella Grey compete for a spot in the Women of Honor Title Tournament.
Deonna Purrazzo and Karen Q attempt to settle their differences in a No DQ match.
Gabby Ortiz faces Jessie Brooks for the opportunity to compete in the Women of Honor Title Tournament!
This week’s episode focuses on Sumie Sakai and her recent trip to Japan.
Ian Riccaboni gives an update on the current state of Women of Honor.
June 7, 2017 published on YouTube (taped May 14, 2017) City: Philadelphia, PA Venue: 2300 Arena Tour: War of the Worlds Commentary: Ian Riccaboni, Mandy Leon Ring Announcer: Bobby Cruise Match 1 Kelly Klein vs Jenny Rose (referee: Paul Turner) Match Thoughts A pretty good match. Klein was dominant, but Rose had a burst …
Tasha Steelz and Jessie Brooks take on Sumie Sakai and the debuting Gabby Ortiz in a nice tag team match.
Ian Riccaboni gives an update on WOH and Kelly Klein makes a statement at the expense of Jynx.
Karen Q makes her ROH/WOH debut as she looks to end the 532 day undefeated streak of Kelly Klein.
This week’s match is a four corner survival featuring Faye Jackson, Deonna Purrazzo, Jenny Rose, and Mandy Leon.
Kelly Klein’s 525-day winning streak is put on the line against the talented Deonna Purrazzo.
Continuing a feud lasting over 10 years in CMLL, Marcela faces La Amapola in an ROH ring.
Prior to Supercard of Honor XI, this WOH tag match worked as a nice warmup to the main show.