Money in the Bank 2017 Recap & Review

Despite some good action, the overall feeling of this year’s Money in the Bank felt a little disappointing on multiple levels.
Despite some good action, the overall feeling of this year’s Money in the Bank felt a little disappointing on multiple levels.
A good main event couldn’t help this year’s Extreme Rules from being only an average show. Some of the matches were not good at all and some were forgettable, but at least the show ended on a good note.
This year’s Backlash wasn’t great, but it did have some entertaining matches and a few mild surprises.
Payback 2017 had a number of good matches, and one match that will go down in history as unwatchable (in my opinion).
This is a very long show, and with any show of this length, there are good and not so good parts. Overall, this is probably a middle-of-the-road Wrestlemania, but there is definitely some fun to be had here. Watching it all in one sitting might leave you a bit exhausted though.
Being the last PPV before Wrestlemania, it felt like they were playing it safe and predictable with Fastlane. Most of the matches weren’t great, there were some filler segments, and the main events didn’t really deliver. There were some bright spots on the show, but overall this one felt like an average (yet long) episode of RAW.
A pretty good show that god better towards the end. A few matches felt like they were looking past this show and towards Wrestlemania, but the last few matches of the night made up for that.
While the results make this show feel like more of the same from WWE, the show itself was entertaining. It wasn’t the best Royal Rumble in history, but the Rumble match itself was fine, and Styles versus Cena stole the show.
A couple of good Hell in a Cell matches make this a decent show.
This year’s No Mercy was pretty good, with the good matches being very good. The placement of matches seemed odd, but that didn’t hurt the show too much.
This year’s Clash of Champions was entertaining enough, but nothing seemed to get resolved in any of the storylines going into it.
The best of Backlash wasn’t as good as the best of Summer Slam, but this was an enjoyable show and a good start to the brand exclusive PPVs.
This year’s Summer Slam was entertaining, though for the matches that delivered on the hype, there were others that didn’t quite live up to expectations.
A long and entertaining show highlighted by two good matches featuring long histories. There was some down time in the show, but the good outweighed the not as good.
The first live SmackDown was a good show. There were decent matches that did well to maintain interest in Battleground, and the draft itself was entertaining, though maybe not completely shocking.
With excitement building for the draft at tomorrow’s first SmackDown Live, this RAW had an important feeling to it. It was a decent show highlighted by a very good WWE Title match.
The big reveal of the Commissioners wasn’t surprising, and it had one of my least favorite segments in recent memory, but this RAW did have some really fun moments.
A pretty good show with some good matches, though there were some clunkers and some obvious covering-up for Reigns’ inability to carry a feud.
Not a bad show. It was entertaining even though the wrestling didn’t always seem to be the first thing on the writers’ minds.
An uneven show with some average matches, two pretty bad matches, and two really great matches. If nothing else, this show is worthwhile for the Intercontinental and World Heavyweight title matches.